Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Looking Towards the Holidays


Having four munchkins makes the holidays hectic.  I have tried to make sure that we focus on family and giving, not how much loot can I get.  We had one Christmas, years ago when there was only two, where the little ones tore through presents, opened then set aside and asked for the next one.  The next year we instituted the one at a time policy.  As the brood grows up, and our house does not grow any large, I want to focus on family even more.  We don't have room for more stuff, nor do they need it.  In the last few days I have come across a few "catch phrases" that I would like to focus on.  The first one is "something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read," and the second one is the five hands concept of give handmade, hand-me-down, secondhand, helping hand, hand-in-hand.  I believe our society is wrapped too tightly in stuff and the what can I get concept.  This year I want to get back to basics and focus on the little things.

Thanks for reading,
Sarah McTernen


Saturday, November 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo Yeah right...

Inspiration by Sarah McTernen available at http://smcternen,etsy.com
I have been trying to get back to writing for a few years now.  The kids are getting older and my brain can, on occasion, function as it used to.  So I thought this year, why not let the motivation of NaNoWriMo spur me on.  We will see how this goes. Since I think that I write more fluidly when I use pen and paper rather than he computer, I have figured out that on a college rule notebook page I can fit approximately 200 words which translates to about 8 pages a day if I want to make the word count.  If I get 30,000 words done, I will be happy... and looking for a reader/person to tell me what needs to be fixed.

Thanks for reading,
Sarah McTernen