I love copper. I always have, even if it sometimes turns my skin green. I love the bright orange color of a clean penny and the subtle petina of an aged statue. Here are some of my favorite Etsy listings having to do with copper.
1. Casper Copperbottom - eiderdown
2. Night Chi 3 piece dinnerware set - OneClayBead
3. Dodo in copper and granite - Rakupferamik
4. Copper Penny - Flowers - Original Watercolor 4x6 - printmakerjenn
5. Barrel Copper Red Mugs - cyrusthepotter
6. Bubble Wand Mini Flower Swirl Magic Wand - PurpleBusStudio
7. Copper-Blue Raku Vase - natureofclay
8. Hand Forged Iron and Copper Flower Life-Size - styler76
Welcome to spring.
Thanks for looking,
Sarah McTernen
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