Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Distracted Nature

The Distracted Nature
Being a mom is an interesting job.  There are some people who love it, there are some people who hate it and some who just put up with it.  I have to admit that most of the time I would rather be creating, rather be reading, or researching, writing or organizing my chaos than washing the umpteenth load of laundry and making lunch.  I know as my munchkins grow up, they will be able to take care of themselves more and our interactions will fall on the scale of little to intellectual/emotional/creative conversations. 

For now, I am in the distracted nature of the creative mom.  Moving from one project to the next in between the waiting times and trying to remember exactly what I walked in the room for before being interrupted because the dog knocked over the cup of milk that was not supposed to be in the living room. 

I have high hopes for 2014, though it does seem that everything will be about two weeks later than I had planned.  I am typically over ambitious with my planning.  I will be writing here more this year and sharing more photographs and new jewelry pieces.

My goal for this year is to find a calm somewhere between the chaos and the craziness. 

What is your goal for 2014?

Thanks for reading,
Sarah McTernen

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